We had talked about going on a picnic, if the weather would ever get decent. The second week in May was suppose to be really nice, so we decided on Thursday, May 15th, we would have our picnic. I decided to make fried chicken (because that is what you have on picnics :) ) and he got some of our favorite wine. Well, Thursday came and it was cold and rainy, but darn it we were going to have our picnic! So I picked him up and we went to Rocky Pond by Belleville and sat and ate. Apparently he didn't have the ring with him then, because he didn't want it to rain on us. We drove around the country for a while, admired the beautiful lilacs and decided to head back. I had to bake cakes that night so we decided I would drop him off, and then he would come over to my apartment and hang out while I baked my cakes. I was at my apartment, starting my cakes, when he comes in and says close your eyes...(knowing Eric I wasn't sure what he was going to do), but eventually I did and I could smell lilacs. I opened my eyes, and he had picked me a lilac branch, it was soo sweet...what I didn't realize at first is that he had put a ring on one of the branches. When I saw it, I think I was speechless...it was all a blur. Then he got down on one knee and asked me and ... I said yes! ...it was perfect...